Here an overview about the sensors and actuators that have been successfully connected to KiRAT are listed. Of course, the usage of sensors and actuators depends also on the utilized amplifiers and AD/DA conversion devices. However, we simply list them here. In the corresponding pages that contain further details examples and hints about suggested amplifcation and conversion devices are given.
Sensors and Input Devices
List with the most important sensors that have been connected to our system
Sensor type
Model name
Corscience, BT12
12-channel (Wilson V1-V6) bluetooth ECG with integrated display
g.tec, g.HIamp Research 144
144-channel cabled ECG with three 64 channels passive electrode connector box
Brüel & Kjær, TYPE 8104
Single reference-hydrophone with 1 m cable and one pre-amplifier TYPE 2635. Needs either three standard 1.5 V batteries, 6-28 V single polarity power supply or regulated +/-14 V power supply as supply voltage.